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I recommend Giovanni Foresti as one of the European Representatives on the Board. I have known Giovanni for 20 years dating from when I succeeded him as Treasurer of the international candidate organization, IPSO. Giovanni is dedicated to psychoanalysis and has served in a variety of positions in the IPA and the Italian Society. He […]


I have known Giovanni Foresti for nearly twenty years. During that time I have had the pleasure of working with Giovanni in a close working relationship regarding Group Relations learning events; in his convening of OPUS Listening Posts; and at the OPUS International Conference, ‘Organisational & Social Dynamics’. In regard to the latter, Giovanni has […]

Claudio Laks Eizirik

In the last two years I had the great pleasure of working with Giovanni Foresti in the IPA Committee on Psychoanalysis and the Mental Health Field. I am extremely impressed by his wide knowledge both of psychoanalysis and its many ways of connecting to other áreas of mental health, as well as his deep understanding […]

Antonio Andreoli

I am glad to recommend Dr Giovanni Foresti for nomination to the IPA bureau. This is a well-informed advice I can provide since I know Dr Foresti from more than 20 years. Within this time, he was clinically trained during one year in Geneva under my direct supervision, we were involved in a number of […]

Luigi Solano

Appoggio la candidatura di Giovanni Foresti al Board dell’IPA come rappresentante delle correnti più innovative della psicoanalisi italiana e internazionale e la sua apertura ad applicazioni della psicoanalisi “beyond the couch”, che possono ampliare l’influenza della nostra disciplina sul piano culturale e politico, e quindi anche facilitare un incremento di domanda clinica.   Luigi Solano, […]

Kenneth Eisold

Giovanni Foresti is a deeply insightful and wise psychoanalyst who has earned the respect of colleagues not only in Italy but also in Europe and America. Apart from maintaining his psychoanalytic practice at home in Pavia, he has pioneered the extension of psychoanalysis to groups and organizations, helping others to grasp the unconscious processes that […]

Bob Hinshelwood

I am supporting Giovanni Foresti because of his commitment to establishing the place of psychoanalysis in the contemporary world. It is not just a clinical method, but it also has a major contribution to make to all the caring professions, including medicine, social work and education, as well as psychiatry. The psychology of experiencing is not […]

Mario Perini

I support Giovanni Foresti for a nomination to the IPA Board. I know him since many years and was able to see at work on many occasions his deep clinical, psychoanalytical as well as organizational knowledge and competence. Widely known in Italy, where he held relevant positions within the Italian Psychoanalytic Society (SPI), he is […]